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near record中文是什么意思

用"near record"造句"near record"怎么读"near record" in a sentence


  • 几乎创记录的
  • "near"中文翻译    adv. 1.近,接近,邻接 (opp. far)。 2 ...
  • "record"中文翻译    n. 1. 记录;记载。 2.【法律】案卷;档案;证据, ...
  • "near-record" 中文翻译 :    几乎创记录的
  • "near" 中文翻译 :    adv. 1.近,接近,邻接 (opp. far)。 2.〔口语〕几乎,差不多,将近。 3.节省地。 He stood near to the door. 他站在门附近〔在比较级和最高级之后亦常用 to. 如: I live nearer to the school than you. 我比你住得离学校近一些〕。 He lives very near. 他生活很节俭。 as near as 和…一样;在…限度内。 come near 接近,赶得上,不亚于。 come [go] near to ...ing 几乎,差点儿,差不多。 draw near 接近,迫近。 far and near 到处,远近。 near at hand 在手边,在近旁;即将到来。 near by 在附近。 near upon 几乎,将近 (The old man is near upon eighty. 那老人将近八十了)。 not near so ...=not nearly so. nowhere near =not anywhere near 附近都不,远远不(That's nowhere near enough. 那是远远不够的)。 prep. 接近,在…的近旁;快要。 sail near the wind (船)抢风而驶;做危险事情。 The time draws near New Year. 时节将近新年。 She came [went] near being drowned. 她差点儿淹死了。 The sun is near setting. 太阳快落了。 It kept him awake till near morning. 这使他直到快天亮还醒着。 be near one's end 快要死,接近死期。 lie near one's heart 为某人所关怀[关切]。 adj. 1.近(的),接近的。 2.近亲的;亲密的,关系深的。 3.近似的,和原物难分的。 4.(马或车的)左侧的 (opp. off)。 5.近道的;直达的。 6.吝啬的。 7.〔口语〕危险的。 8.〔美口〕仿制的,冒充的。 near sight 近视。 the near distance (绘画等的)近景。 the near future 不久的将来。 the near(er) way 捷径,近路。 a near friend 亲密的朋友。 near concern (有)密切利害关系。 a near resemblance 酷似。 a near horse (马车)左侧的马。 a near guess 相差不很多的推测。 near silk 〔美国〕极像真丝的人造丝。 a near translation 直译,接近原文的翻译。 be near with one's money 吝啬。 near and dear 极亲密的。 on a near day 日内,三五天内。 vt.,vi. 近,接近,靠拢;迫近。
  • "near by" 中文翻译 :    在附近; 在四周
  • "near is" 中文翻译 :    尼尔群岛
  • "near there" 中文翻译 :    在那附近, 不远
  • "near to" 中文翻译 :    接(靠)近;几乎要; 接近于, 靠近于; 闻……不远/
  • "near-" 中文翻译 :    前缀 near-nude 差不多一丝不挂的。
  • "a record" 中文翻译 :    纪录
  • "for the record" 中文翻译 :    记录在案; 列入记录; 为了记录
  • "no record" 中文翻译 :    未订座的机票; 无案可查
  • "on record" 中文翻译 :    登记的; 登记过的; 记录在案; 留有记录的
  • "on the record" 中文翻译 :    记录在案的, 公开发布的, 公开做的
  • "record" 中文翻译 :    n. 1. 记录;记载。 2.【法律】案卷;档案;证据,证明;诉状;公判录。 3.履历,经历,阅历。 4.成绩;(运动比赛的)最高记录。 5.(留声机的)唱片;录了音的磁带。 a matter of record 有案可查的事件。 His record is against him. 他的履历不好(对他不利)。 school records 学业成绩。 a record run 打破记录的赛跑。 bear record to 给…作证,保证。 beat [break, cut] the record 打破前例,打破记录。 call to record=take to record. go on record 1. 被记录下来。 2. 公开表明见解。 have a good record 履历好;信誉[名声]好。 hold the world's record 保持世界记录。 in record 有记录在案,记录上被登记(the greatest earthquake in [on] record 有记录以来最大的地震,空前的大地震。It is in record that ....…是有先例的)。 keep to the record 1. 依据判例判决。 2. 不扯到题外。 leave on record 留在记录上。 off the record 〔美国〕不得发表的;不可以公开的;非正式的(This is off the record. 这是非正式的谈话〔政治家用语〕)。 put [place] on record =leave on record. put [place] oneself on record 1. 取得卓著的成绩,出类拔萃。 2. 表示意见,指出。 set (up) a new record 创新记录。 take to record 使…作证人,求…证明。 the greatest ... on record 有史以来最大的,前所未闻的。 travel out of the record 1. 不依据判例判决。 2. 扯到题外。 vt. 1.记录,记载;登记,挂号;叙述,报告;给…录音;印记;永久留下。 2.(寒暑表等)表示(度数)。 3.(鸟)低声唱(歌)。 a recorded statement 正式声明。 vi. 1.记录;登记。 2.进行录音;被录音。 adj. -able 可记录的,值得记录的(arecordable CD 一张可录式光碟)。
  • "near arm and near thigh" 中文翻译 :    跪撑圈臂抱腿
  • "a near escape" 中文翻译 :    九死一生
  • "a near go" 中文翻译 :    极侥幸的逃脱; 侥幸的逃脱
  • "a near miss" 中文翻译 :    接近成功的失败
  • "a near thing" 中文翻译 :    极危险的事; 侥幸的脱险
  • "a near touch" 中文翻译 :    九死一生
  • "a place near by" 中文翻译 :    能让你平静的英文歌
  • "anywhere near" 中文翻译 :    接近于
  • "as near as a toucher" 中文翻译 :    几乎不差, 接近得很
  • "be getting near" 中文翻译 :    再大的自然灾害也压不垮我们


  • The river is expected to crest this weekend at near record levels
  • Opec ' s president says it is unlikely to raise production on wednesday , after oil prices hit near record levels
  • " we are pleased that our insurance businesses continue to perform well and that wealth management sales reached near record levels
  • It also comes at a sensitive time when oil is trading near record highs , and both countries are intent on securing energy resources
  • Although oil prices may be near records in america , the rest of the world has not seen the prices rise as dramatically in their own currencies
  • With the dollar near record lows , more american investors are starting to think about whether it ' s time to start dabbling in the foreign currency exchange market
  • When the middle east is ablaze , oil prices near record highs , the american economy cooling and the climate warming , it is hard to get excited about the beaching of trade talks
  • When the middle east is ablaze , oil prices near record highs , the american economy cooling and the climate warming , it is hard to get excited about the beaching of trade talks
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